KATE TOKYO POWDERLESS LIQUID SET FOR COVER ( SAMPLE PRODUCTS) Very first of all, I would like to thanks for the blessings from GOD and Lucky Angel that had blessed me to won KATE TOKYO products worth few hundred Ringgit Malaysia from a contest on Kate Tokyo Malaysia FB few months ago ~! KATE TOKYO POWDERLESS LIQUID SET FOR COVER ( SAMPLE PRODUCTS) And finally, I been able to squeeze out some time to do short demo video regarding to the KATE TOKYO POWDERLESS LIQUID SET FOR COVER (one of the items from the prize won) that I had promised to myself to do so. The Kate Tokyo Powerless Liquid Set for Cover that I owned is sample products and it comes with a Snow Skin CC Base of which just a sample size with 8.0g and a bottle of Powerless Liquid for Cover OC-B (OC-B is indicating one of the colour tone available). About KATE TOKYO SNOW SKIN CC BASE After applied it, my skin look brightened up a bit and it has light coverage effect on pores and scars as well as b...
Slow down the speed, Enjoy the scenery along your life path, Miracles always by your side !!^_~ 要好好“活着”...